Overview #
Libcsp is designed to be easy to use and high performance. Thus we should implement some of its features(e.g. stack size analyzing, the construction of the process entry etc.) in compile time.
GCC plugin provides the mechanism to allow us to manipulate its abstract syntax tree(AST) and intermediate representation( IR, GIMPLE in gcc). Libcsp uses this ability and provides three parts to help you build your programs:
- libcsp CLI:
- libcsp plugin:
- libcsp library:
A typical building progress is:
# Define the working directory.
WORKING_DIR = ./build
# Initialize the environment for the building.
cspcli init --working-dir=$(WORKING_DIR)
# Build your program.c with libcsp plugin.
gcc -o program.o -c program.c -fplugin=libcsp -fplugin-arg-libcsp-working-dir=$(WORKING_DIR)
# Analyze the outputs generated by libcsp plugin in $(WORKING_DIR) and then
# generate the configuration file `config.c`.
cspcli analyze --working-dir=$(WORKING_DIR)
# Patch `config.c` to complete the building.
gcc -o program program.o $(WORKING_DIR)/config.c -lcsp -pthread
Libcsp CLI #
Libcsp CLI cspcli
is mainly used to analyze the outputs of libcsp plugin and
generates the configuration file config.c
cspcli <command> [options]
Initialize the environment for the building. Libcsp will create the
working directory if it doesn't exist or otherwise clean the generated
files left by the previous building.
The working directory. Default is /tmp/libcsp.
Analyze the memory usages of processes and generate the configuration
file `config.c`. Libcsp plugin will generate the function stack frame
size to files with extension .sf and the function call graph to files
with extension .cg. This command will analyze the memory usage of all
processes according to these files. You can set some configurations
with the following options:
The working directory. Default is `/tmp/libcsp/`.
The value of option `--prefix` in `./configure` when you build and
install libcsp from source. Default is `/usr/local/`.
The extra stack usage file. The format of every line in it is `fn
size`(e.g. `main 64`). It's used first if it's set.
The default stack size for an unknown function. Default is 2KB.
The number of CPU cores on which libcsp will run. Default is max
CPU cores.
The max threads libcsp can create. Default is 1024.
The hint of the max processes. Libcsp will initialize related
resource according to it. Default is 100000.
Clear related generated files in the working directory.
The working directory. Default is /tmp/libcsp/.
Display the cspcli version.
Libcsp plugin #
Libcsp plugin is used to do some compile-time work including:
- Wraps the functions in
, and then generates the process entry in pure assembly language. - Records the stack frame size of every function and save them to the files with
. - Records the call graphs and save them to the files with extension
Libcsp supports following parameters:
: The working directory. Default is/tmp/libcsp/
: The value of option--prefix
when you build and install libcsp from source. Default is/usr/local/
gcc -o program.o -c program.c -fplugin=libcsp -fplugin-arg-libcsp-working-dir=./build -fplugin-arg-libcsp-installed-prefix=/usr
Libcsp library #
Libcsp library provides the high performance runtime scheduler and related APIs to make your programs concurrent.
Go to see more details about the API.